
Romantic Story .

They are my everything =)

It is a complex mood is my mind . My SweetHeart keep arguing to me . And I am going on to use Mandarin to talk about our romantic story , haha .

我正在和情人通着电话 , 一边写着我们 sweet sweet 的故事 , 哈哈。他一直用一种怪怪的腔调 , : " 你想我呀 ? 你想我呀 ? 你想我呀 ? 你的心已经在我这边了拉。Aiyo , 你怎麽又再想我了阿 ? 你可以不要躲起来想我吗 ? 你现在用什么语气来对付我的语气 ? Celina 一直欺骗我单纯的 puppy love ! Entao 不会弄你笑 ,只有我会 , 哈哈哈哈 ! " 我的 SweetHeart 就只会一直讲一些很 foolish 的话 , 然后弄到我很想一巴掌下去 , but 又笑到止不住。妈咪一直走进房间 , : 谈恋爱不要太嚣张。-,-

Okay , 他还一直唱那些所谓的情歌。" Celina 是个大笨蛋 , 大笨蛋 , 大笨蛋BlaHaHaHa :D " 自以为幽默 , 然后一直说自己比 Entao , 真是不知道他哪里来的自信。

虽然很多时候 , 我们 sweet 到没有人有 , But 我们实实在在经历过很多的苦难才有今天 , Amitofo .

/ Skip .

When the sweet time is going on , Mr.O talk about Roti Canai , the bestmemories of THEM .  Okay I have to admit , I really hyper care the position of her isn't heavier than mine in his heart . And I always give the negative answer . Yea , she is important than me .

Wey , although Mr.O is try to keep the topic of her out of our taking , but it falled . We talk about the sky , and she will appears suddenly ; when we having the topic of bear , and she is come out again . What the Fucking Timeming .

/ Skip .

不知不觉 , 10个月过去了。什么暧昧 , 争吵 , 冷战 , 甜蜜 , 眼泪 , 笑容 , 我们都经过了。很讽刺的说 , 我总是为这个烂男人流下许多淅沥萨拉的泪水 , but 他爱情路上的眼泪从来没有为我流过 , 为的却是我那麽好的朋友。天下最悲哀的事情 ,还不是这个。

But StimMr.O , really thanks for your apologized . You never ever know my feeling when listening the Sorry word said by a really stim boy . Haha , it so funny ;D . Lastly , please treasure the WONDERFUL girl who always with you . =)

